Easter Monday - April 28, 2008 - 04/28/08

Easter Monday Services: Matins, Hours and Liturgy. A Cross Processiopn around the Church with numerous children carrying icons.

This was followed by a sumptuous trapeza in the Church hall. The children then had an egg roll where all the toddlers were rewarded with prizes!

Cross Procession
Children holding the icons
One of our young participants!
The Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord!
Our youngest acolytes
The Sweet Family
Paschal greeting
Paschal Greeting-
Paschal gifts to Rebecca Garfinkel
The famous egg roll
The Cross procession
Egg roll
Egg roll
The Cross procession
The reading of the Gospel
Mr. Alex Vursta Jr. and daughter
Children with the icons in front of the church
Children and icons in the cross procession
Christ is Risen- Hristos Anesti- Le Christ est Ressucite - Христос Воскресе!