Raising the Cupola
Below you will see photos taken by Mr. Nicholas Umrichin in the Month of October, Year 1960 - yes over a half a century ago! These historic photographs show the guilding of the large church cupola and its raising to its present location on the cylindrical base at the church apex. The pictures also show the cross procession from the church, the prayer, blessing and holy water anointing prior to the raising of the cupola and cross to its current location.
The parishioners recognized in the photos are: Mr. Nicholas Umrichin (Alex Umrichin's father), Mr. Nikita Koulomzin (Xenia Kalinin's father) and Mr. Oleg Rodzianko. Mr. Rodzianko is in the chair directing the crane during the hoisting of the Cupola and the cross.
We are grateful to Mr. Alex Umrichin for providing the photos. If you have photos of the Parish and you would like them displayed on our website, it would be very appreciated if you would send them to: Serge R. Lopoukhine (Web Site Manager) www.srlop@frontiernet.net.